Monday, June 15, 2009

Writing the Travel 2 Album

I’m having the time of my life here at Hume Lake writing and recording in the most beautiful setting imaginable. Some good friends of ours named the Parkinson’s have generously blessed us by letting us turn their huge cabin in the forest into an amazing recording studio. I am here with Ben and TJ working on songs. My wife is here as well and Christina, a good friend of ours is documenting a lot of this for video. Make sure you stay posted over the next few weeks for those.

This is like a dream for me. To be totally focused on the songs. To have a facility where there is a TON of space. And I brought my whole studio up here too, so I have all my tools at my fingertips. I’ll be tracking some permanent tracks here to capture the huge room (30+ceiling) and the sounds that come from it. It’s amazing when a room becomes the instrument.

There is no cell reception up here, so I get no texts or phone messages. It’s an amazing life not having to be tied to that. I’m kind of dreading being back home where that is a norm.

I’m in the thick of writing. Its all I can think about. Melodies and rhythms flooding my brain constantly. The end result will be to have another 6 songs on this album, but I plan on writing and arrange over 10 to pick from.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thanks Denver

Had a great time playing in Denver. thanks to those who came out to see us, especially andrew for bringing the YWAM studds and stud-ettes. the rest of the musicians have flown back and i stuck around to hang with fam from colorado. i'm in the aiport right now cause my flight got delayed.

Its back into the studio now until our next tour in September...keep posted.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

flying to denver

who said we fly with too much equipment? this doesn't include TJ's stuff who is meeting us here at the airport soon. The harmonium made its first flight trip ever! Fit nicely in the overhead compartment.